What is Activate Instruction?

What is Activate Instruction?

At its most basic level, Activate Instruction is a free open database of standards-aligned learning resources—but it was designed to be much more. Teachers can browse, search, rate, add, share, and organize resources. Parents and students can follow teachers to see what they posted or search for the resources they like best. When integrated with student assessment data systems, Activate makes it easy for teachers to use student assessment data to connect students with the resources that match their specific needs.


Who can use Activate?

Teachers, students and/or parents can use Activate. Teachers access through the Assessments tab in Illuminate and students have access through the Student Portal. For parents, an email account is needed to register at www.activateinstruction.org.


Powerful Search: Students, teachers, and parents can search by Common Core standards, grade level, or keyword to find the resources that best support students’ learning. Students can “follow” their teachers to easily find what resources they are sharing, and parents can also “follow” their children’s teachers to keep up with what’s being covered in class. Teachers can follow each other to share content that’s worked well in their classes. Anyone can create an account to save their favorite resources and quickly go back to them later.

Quality Content: Through an easy-to-use interface, teachers can add free public videos, readings, worksheets, animations, and other kinds of learning resources that they created themselves or have permission to share. They can organize and save these resources for their own use and also share with students and other teachers. In addition to teacher-created resources, content providers can also upload free resources for teachers to use. Students can “like” resources and also give feedback on whether the resource was useful and how long it took to complete. Other students and parents can see how many likes a given resource has.


Organized Playlists: Teachers can access their own resources and search the Activate site for additional ones. They use these resources to create playlists of resources focused on a particular topic or standard. Playlists can address the needs of a whole class or customized playlists can be created to meet the needs of individual students. Playlists can be saved for the teacher’s own use and also shared with other teachers as well as students and parents.


Smart recommendations: Teachers can get recommendations for specific resources and playlists to meet individual students’ needs based on their past performance using Illuminate Assessment data.

BUSD Teacher Access via Illuminate DnA
  • Activate Instruction is accessible from your BUSD Illuminate DnA account via the Assessments menu> Visit Activate Instruction
  • Setup an account- recommend using your same Illuminate Login/Password - See logging into Activate for the First Time
  • Create playlists

Once you create you Activate Instruction account your Illuminate account will be linked and you can access Activate Instruction via the Assessments menu from then on.


BUSD Student Access via Illuminate Home Connection Student Portal
  • Students log into their Illuminate Student HC Portal using their account.
  • Students open the Activate Instruction page and setup an account. 


Activate Instruction Use with Illuminate DnA

You can use Activate to search standards-aligned resources, add your own resources, organize them in playlists, and share them with students and teachers. Summit Public Schools has curated over 800 playlists of standards-aligned resources, available for anyone to use, for grades 6-12 in math, English, science, history, and Spanish. High Tech High contributed more than 150 project-based playlists, also available for anyone to use. As of June 2014, there are over 27,000 resources available on Activate, organized into more than 3,000 playlists.

You and your students can link directly from an assessment within Illuminate item to a resource in Activate linked to the same standard. The system will also recommend playlists based on student results.Assessments may be included in the playlists you create. And Activate provides a direct link from the assessment item to resources in Activate that are tied to the same standard.


Illuminate Activate Instruction Resources Page:


Activate Instruction Help Page: How-to resources and videos

Need help? These how-to's should do the trick.


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